The north shore was fueled with 2" of rain by a strong storm on April 15th. The entire North Shore from Duluth up to Grand Portage received enough rain to make the rivers flow for the entire week. Boaters rallied to the, Lester, Sucker, French, and a Split Rock solo run by Pete Noren on Monday April 16th.
On Tuesday April 17th, crews hit up the East fork of the Beaver, Silver, Sucker, and a three man crew ticked off a memorable run on forbidden fruit.
On Wednesday April 18th, The two man crew of Techno and Justin took advantage of the rains and ventured into the Devils Track River. This was the first time in anybody had run the DT in 2012. What they found were many of trees down and many portages. There were about 5 trees in hazardous locations. Portage down the middle has a tree in the base of the falls on river left center. It is avoidable on the standard line, but if you get typewritered across the base of the falls you are in trouble. They also found that it is best to gauge the water level from the put in. Since the new culvert was installed at the take out, and the river flow has widened significantly there, it is very difficult to get a good grasp on flows from the take out.
On Friday April 19th, many boaters took a half day off and rallied to the Cascade River. Levels were at -7 inches. Some of the North Shore regulars like, Joerg, Alt, Decker, Heydt, Holton, Scheidel, Justin, and Noren were there. Along with new North Shore boater Tony Vavrica. They ran two laps. There is a new tree at the bottom of Hidden Falls. It's 30 feet downstream of the hole right in the out wash flow. All of the crew portaged it except on boater accidentally slipped out of his eddy and was forced to run it. He flipped in the hole at the bottom of Hidden and stayed upside down under the tree. It was a scary moment but all was good. There is a tree down below Long John on river left that is easily avoidable by running down the middle. There are two trees down in the river right line in Cheese Grader Rapid. The river left line works fine. And one last tree down across the entire river as you exit the canyon after Cheese Grader rapid.
On Saturday April 21st, twelve boaters put on the Brule River at enjoyed the last of the good rain fed water flows
Below are pictures of 30 foot "BTL" waterfall on the Forbidden Fruit river. From top to bottom are boaters Ryan Zimny, Justin, and Joel Decker. This was a memorable first personal descent for all three of them. It took them 3 hours to run with a few portages.

On Tuesday April 17th, crews hit up the East fork of the Beaver, Silver, Sucker, and a three man crew ticked off a memorable run on forbidden fruit.
Nate Heydt on the East Fork of Beaver River 1st drop
Nate Heydt on East Fork of Beaver River 2nd drop
On Friday April 19th, many boaters took a half day off and rallied to the Cascade River. Levels were at -7 inches. Some of the North Shore regulars like, Joerg, Alt, Decker, Heydt, Holton, Scheidel, Justin, and Noren were there. Along with new North Shore boater Tony Vavrica. They ran two laps. There is a new tree at the bottom of Hidden Falls. It's 30 feet downstream of the hole right in the out wash flow. All of the crew portaged it except on boater accidentally slipped out of his eddy and was forced to run it. He flipped in the hole at the bottom of Hidden and stayed upside down under the tree. It was a scary moment but all was good. There is a tree down below Long John on river left that is easily avoidable by running down the middle. There are two trees down in the river right line in Cheese Grader Rapid. The river left line works fine. And one last tree down across the entire river as you exit the canyon after Cheese Grader rapid.
On Saturday April 21st, twelve boaters put on the Brule River at enjoyed the last of the good rain fed water flows
Below are pictures of 30 foot "BTL" waterfall on the Forbidden Fruit river. From top to bottom are boaters Ryan Zimny, Justin, and Joel Decker. This was a memorable first personal descent for all three of them. It took them 3 hours to run with a few portages.